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Find Out The Difference Between Veganism And Vegetarianism!

Despite this, many still question the terms involved in this context. One of the most outstanding examples is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism, two similar words but with different meanings. Do you want to know more about this lifestyle and clear your doubts? So come with us!

What Is Veganism?

Veganism is a lifestyle that includes the abolition of any ingredient or product of animal origin. This includes the diet – although this is a highlight – clothing, beauty products, cleaning products, and much more.

Important information is that this is done within the possibilities of each person. Medications, vaccines, and other items are essential for life and only sometimes enter this equation.

What Is Vegetarianism?

With this concept, it will be easier to understand the difference between veganism and vegetarianism: vegetarians are people who stop consuming meat. However, they still consume eggs, dairy, and other products such as honey.

The focus is to abolish food from everything that comes from the death of other animals. It is worth remembering that ingredients such as gelatin are also included in this list.

Vegetarians can choose to exclude products tested on animals from their routine — as is the case with vegans. However, this is not a rule for this lifestyle.

What Is The Difference Between Veganism And Vegetarianism?

As we can see, vegans and vegetarians have a lot in common. Both groups value animal welfare and care about these beings, avoiding consuming products that could harm them.

However, vegans do not consume or use any animal product. This includes fabrics — such as silk and wool —food — such as eggs, milk, honey, and others — products that have been tested on animals or have inputs from that origin in their composition, and much more.

In addition, they do not attend events that use these beings — such as rodeos — and lead a life focused on minimizing impacts on animal life. Vegetarians, however, may or may not adhere to these lifestyle ideals. However, they do not consume meat and can be divided into the following groups:

  • ovolactovegetarians: consume eggs and dairy products;
  • Ovo vegetarians: consume eggs;
  • lacto vegetarians: consume dairy products.

What Are The Reasons For Someone To Adhere To Veganism Or Vegetarianism?

There are many reasons for someone to become a vegan or vegetarian. The first, of course, involves animal welfare. These people are usually very empathetic and are concerned about the quality of life of these beings. However, that is not all.

Health is another reason why many people engage in meatless eating. There are proven benefits to this type of diet, such as reducing the risk of developing heart disease and much more.

Finally, there is the issue of the environment. Meat consumption is recognized as one of the most significant impacts on the planet’s health, with the excessive expenditure of natural resources. For this reason, the primary preservation bodies recommend that the consumption of these ingredients be reduced daily, even if the person does not want to cut them out of the diet permanently.

Is A Meatless Diet Healthy?

Of course! Nutritionists and other health professionals agree regarding the quality of vegan and vegetarian diets. This type of diet is healthy, sustainable, and known to bring well-being and energy to those who engage in this fight.

A meatless diet — and even without other animal products, as with veganism — is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other essential life nutrients. All you need is to know how to diversify foods.

However, as with any food, care must be taken. Supplementation of some vitamins — such as B12 — is essential, and frequent check-ups are also recommended.


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