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Five Good Reasons To Sleep Without Heating

We tend to turn on the heating at night to sleep warm in winter. Big mistake. This habit could be harmful to our health and our skin.

The cold and the grey have made a comeback. 

To combat the drop in mercury, you have most certainly turned on your heating in the living rooms and the bedroom. But by wanting too much comfort, we tend to overheat this room at bedtime or even sleep with the radiator on. In addition to being harmful to the environment, this bad habit is not without risk for our health.

Slow Down The Ageing Of Cells

Nicknamed the sleep hormone, melatonin is a hormone secreted primarily by the pineal gland (also called the epiphysis) located in the brain. Produced in high concentrations in the evening, it helps regulate the circadian rhythm by helping to fall asleep. “Not only does melatonin increase the propensity to sleep, but it also helps to slow down cellular ageing”, explains.

But then, sleeping with the heating on could slow down the natural production of this hormone and accelerate cellular ageing… but not only that. According to a study conducted in 2005 by the National Academy of Medicine, melatonin would be “a means of fighting against neurodegenerative processes linked to ageing”.

Fight Against Cholesterol

Leaving heaters on overnight could also have an impact on our cholesterol levels. “Exposure to colds can increase the amount of brown fat produced by stem cells. 

This brown fat helps regulate cholesterol, blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity,” adds the doctor based on studies earlier. To promote the production of this brown fat, also called brown adipose tissue and thus fight against cholesterol, it is better to encourage a relaxed atmosphere.


Sleep Well

Heating is the ultimate sleep-friend. You think you will improve your sleeping conditions by turning on your radiator, yet it is the opposite. The cold has a vasoconstrictor effect, which slows down our blood circulation and helps us fall asleep. 

When the temperature is too high, you may take longer to fall asleep and waking up at night may be more frequent due to thirst, headaches or even heat. When it comes time to wake up, it will be just as challenging to get out of the bedroom and face the cold.

Avoid Bronchitis And Tonsillitis

In winter, heating and lack of ventilation can make the air in your home a little too dry. Result: your throat, bronchi, and mucous membranes are less humid and struggle to protect themselves from the season’s viruses. You are therefore more exposed to bronchitis or tonsillitis. These inconveniences can even turn into respiratory illnesses, especially in children and people with asthma.

Do Not Dry Out Your Skin

Too dry air also dehydrates the skin. Consequence: The small blood vessels in the face dilate and cause acne, pimples and redness. Sleeping with the heat on at night, when the skin is supposed to regenerate, dries up and tightens your skin even more—results: hello small fine lines and eczema problems.

As you will have understood, heating is not our ally after dark. The Ademe advises not to heat the rooms above 19 ° C. Therefore, it is better for those who are very cold to use thin blankets and warm pyjamas.

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