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Menopause Diet: What Foods To Limit Symptoms?

Menopause is the cessation of ovarian function in women. In other words, this is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and secreting estrogen and progesterone. A natural and inevitable stage in women’s life, it is often accompanied by several symptoms: fluctuating mood, irritability, weight gain, swollen stomach, hot flashes, and sleep disorders.

It generally sets in around the woman’s 50th birthday. It is possible to reduce some of the side effects associated with menopause with a specific diet. And this, a few years even before it occurs. Proteins, vitamins, and omega-3 are the main allies in this period. Here’s what to know about the menopause diet.

Menopause diet: Proteins to limit weight gain

According to several studies, pre-menopausal women develop a greater need for protein. If they do not adapt their diet to this period, they could see their weight increase. The reason? To meet the need for protein, they would turn to various foods whose nutritional intake is insufficient yet caloric.

A diet during menopause consists of reducing the consumption of foods containing fats and carbohydrates and favoring food products rich in vegetable and animal proteins. It is also recommended to exercise a sporting activity. A sedentary lifestyle promotes weight gain. Walk at least 30 minutes daily, do vinyasa, hatha or yin yoga, pilates, fitness, running, or whatever makes you feel good!

Menopause Diet: Essential Nutrients

This diet involves engaging in a low GI ( glycemic index ) diet to avoid insulin spikes and limit the development of belly fat. Omega 3s will help fight inflammation and hot flashes. On the micronutrient side, vitamins and minerals protect the bones, the skin, and the nervous system. It is then advisable to make sure that you benefit from a sufficient intake in:

  • Group B vitamins
  • Vitamins D3
  • Beta carotene
  • Iron
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium

We advise you to visit your doctor or gynecologist for a blood test to check your nutrient needs. If deficiencies are then observed, your doctor may prescribe supplementation.

What Foods Should You Avoid On A Menopausal Diet?

Sleep disorders, weight gain, mood, and hot flashes are among the symptoms experienced by most women when menopause strikes. To limit these harmful effects, it is advisable to rule out a certain number of foods in your daily life. As part of a menopause or perimenopause diet, it is recommended to avoid ultra-processed, sugary, and refined foods such as:

  • Crisps, aperitif biscuits very, very high in salt
  • Deli meats
  • Industrial products such as prepared meals
  • Preparations with too much sugar, especially refined white sugar. For a cake, prefer muscovado sugar or coconut sugar, for example.
  • Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, industrial sandwich bread, etc.
  • Fried foods
  • Alcohol, sodas, and fruit juices with added sugar.

This is a non-exhaustive list of foods to extract from your daily life. We recommend that you carefully read the list of ingredients when shopping and favor a homemade diet based on fresh local, and organic products. As a reminder, industrially processed products are filled with additives and preservatives. In the long term, the latter can alter consumers’ health. So in a period of fragility such as menopause, it is important to adapt your diet to get through this stage of your life as well as possible.

What Foods To Favor During A Menopause Diet?

So, what does your diet access? In general, prefer traceable foods that you know where they come from, fresh and full of nutrients.

Among them, you will find:

  • Animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat (without excess, particularly red meats such as beef or lamb).
  • Foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, i.e., omega 3: sardines, mackerel, cod liver, trout, and other fatty fish. And vegetable oils like camelina oil, hemp oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, etc.
  • Vegetable proteins: lentils, chickpeas, whole grains, and sometimes tempeh or tofu.
  • Dairy products such as Skyr, cottage cheese, and cheese in small quantities. You can opt for sheep’s milk, for example, if you are lactose intolerant.
  • The vegetables. At each meal, they will provide you with the fiber and vitamins necessary for your well-being.
  • The fruit. In addition to the vegetables you eat at each meal, eat at least two to three fruits daily. For example, you can have them for breakfast and afternoon snacks.
  • Oilseeds. _ A handful of almonds, walnuts, or cashews to boost your immunity. Do you prefer to avoid biting directly into these dried fruits? So serve yourself a daily teaspoon of pure peanut butter or hazelnut puree.

On top of that, it’s the pleasure and pride of cooking and tasting homemade dishes with good-for-you ingredients. All these tips attached to this diet also apply to everyday life. We ingest several endocrine disruptors, additives, and preservatives. There are so many harmful substances in our bodies. This is why it is important to turn as much as possible to foods whose origin is known and of proven quality. Agri-food labels exist to help us find our bearings during our shopping. Otherwise, the short circuit is an excellent solution.

Also Read: Six Disadvantages That Extreme Diets Bring

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