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The Benefits Of Food Reeducation!

When we are in front of supermarket shelves, with so many practical and fast food options – but also full of sugar, fat, and preservatives – we see how difficult it can be to maintain a diet based on healthy and natural items.

What Is Food Reeducation?

Unlike diets – whose main objective is to reduce the consumption of certain foods for a while – aiming at weight loss or disease control, dietary reeducation (FR) refers to a definitive change in lifestyle, aiming to reduce (or even eliminate) from the eating routine certain habits that are not good for health and fitness. 

Furthermore, the objectives of these two strategies are quite different since diets seek more specific and immediate goals, while dietary reeducation seeks broader and more sustainable changes.

The Main Benefits Of A Food Reeducation

As we mentioned in the previous topic, a diet seeks to achieve immediate and, in most cases, temporary results. Therefore, they need to be repeated from time to time. 

In the case of AR, it is a longer process, which may even be more difficult at first, but which, over time, becomes part of the daily routine, generating numerous benefits, such as:

Healthy Hair, Nails, And Skin

The body receives more extensive, regular, and varied nutrients and vitamins by opting for more nutritious foods.

Among them are the so-called “good fats” (found in fish and oilseeds) and vitamins A, C, and B7 (biotin), which act directly on the health of hair, nails, and skin, bringing more beauty and health to these structures.

Strengthening The Immune System

It’s no secret that food is essential to strengthen our body’s natural defenses.

A more balanced diet gives the body access to a more comprehensive range of nutrients that contribute to strengthening our immune system.

As a result, we become more resistant to so-called opportunistic diseases, such as respiratory infections, urinary infections, flu and colds, and even heart diseases, such as myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart membrane caused by the action of viruses and bacteria.

Humor And Mental Health

If you think the benefits of dietary reeducation are only in the body, it is better to rethink. 

When we consistently improve our diet, our mental health also wins.

Promotes A Feeling Of Satiety

When someone goes on a diet, one of the biggest challenges is to stay disciplined between meals.

One of the main benefits of dietary reeducation is that with the intake of more natural foods rich in fiber, whole carbohydrates, lean proteins, and good fats, the feeling of satiety between meals is increased, which helps to avoid getting “pinching” throughout the day.

Although some moderation is always necessary, with better food choices, it is possible to control hunger without completely restricting any food. 

Provides Energy And Mood

When we are well fed, our bodies function better, our physical and mental performance improves, and our overall health benefits.

Therefore, when your daily eating routine prioritizes foods that release energy into the bloodstream slowly and steadily – such as whole foods – and stimulate the brain to function without intense peaks and troughs of stimulation throughout the day, you begin to experience a steadier feeling of energy and disposition.

How To Start A Food Reeducation?

It is essential to point out that, to enjoy the benefits of dietary reeducation, such as those mentioned in this article, it is necessary to have the guidance of a nutritionist or neurologist, who may request tests to check for deficiencies—more pressing nutritional needs or weaknesses that need to be addressed. 

Regardless, you can already insert some healthier eating habits into your routine, such as:

Reduce Intervals Between Meals

The truth is, eating more often helps you eat less.

You don’t have to strictly follow the rule of “eating every three hours,” which is so talked about out there, but keeping smaller intervals between meals makes you less hungry the next time you eat, thus facilitating the control of the amount of food you put on your plate.

In addition, this practice keeps the glucose level stable, increasing satiety and concentration in everyday life. 

However, to have these benefits without losing weight, food portions must be reduced, that is, more meals throughout the day, distributed in smaller quantities.

Re-educate The Palate

Switching to healthier and more natural foods when we are used to a diet rich in industrialized products can be challenging, as our palate is used to preparations with more sugar, sodium, or fat, which are generally used to enhance the flavor of food.

To change this and enjoy a palate with softer and more natural flavors, it is necessary to make gradual changes, such as avoiding adding more salt to food after preparation, consuming fruit juices without added sugar, or preferring roasted snacks to fried ones, among others. Other changes.

Increase Water Consumption

Since we were children, we have heard that it is good to drink water, and this item cannot be left out in a food reeducation.

Consuming more water is essential for the functioning of the whole organism and to help keep us hungry throughout the day.

Assess If You Are Starving

By reducing the consumption of foods rich in sugar and chemical substances, sudden cravings for certain higher-calorie foods, such as chocolate or potato chips, may arise.

In these situations, you must consider hunger, the urge to eat on impulse or anxiety.

In addition to these habits, to further improve your relationship with food and lead a healthier life, also observe the following precautions:

  • Do not drink liquids with meals (improve digestion and the feeling of heaviness after meals).
  • Eat in quiet places and avoid distractions (distraction leads you to eat more).
  • Create the habit of cooking at home (in addition to saving money, you also have more control over the ingredients used in preparations).
  • Combine a balanced diet with other practices, such as regular exercise.

As we can conclude, dietary reeducation seeks a lasting change in the quality of life and well-being, protecting the body and promoting mental health.


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