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Live Well After 60: 10 Things To Do

Keep making plans, and don’t lose the energy of curiosity. A lot of lightness and desire to learn. Simplify life and focus on friendships

The transition is delicate. But seniority is still a long way off, and life can hold many surprises. The threshold of 60 years is not easy to cross: yet there are some simple things to do which transform this period of existence into an opportunity.

Tips For Living Well After 60 Years

  • Don’t look at your ID card. Looking at the identity card after 60 is a waste of time and mental balance. A useless thing. A biological clock goes on, but there is no reason in the world to feel heavily over the years that have passed. Instead, let us worry about those who wait and how to live with them in good health and with new expectations. With the awareness of the new age.
  • Keep making plans. Indeed around the age of 60, there are brackets in professional life that tend to close. Maybe even with inevitable tiredness. Retirement is approaching, and the time spent doing the same job is making itself felt. But the time for the gardens has not yet come. There is time to do new projects and try to carry them forward.
  • Full throttle curiosity. From age 60, a new cycle begins to give the maximum possible space to interest. We have the time and space, even physical. Commitments are not what they used to be; deadlines are getting smaller. So let’s go on with travel, reading, cinema, theater, and music. Anything that can ignite the flame of curiosity.
  • Memories, not nostalgia. Abandoning oneself to memory, to be transferred to new generations, but also to be listened to by those who precede us and have reached a very advanced age, is one of the classic luxuries of the sixties. Memories, even with a touch of melancholy: not nostalgia, in the sense of regrets, darken the days.
  • Doubts about learning. It is never too late to learn something. On the contrary. You can start from scratch and create a study hidden in the drawer. The most interesting subjects to be explored are certainly the humanities to theology.
  • Simplify and focus. The time has come to simplify life and not bundle it with further complications. Give up on anything that seems too complicated, and focus your energy on projects compatible with your age. The same goes for human relationships: without closing in on themselves, this is the time to select friendships. And enjoy them. This does not exclude the possibility of new encounters, especially if you are lucky enough to meet an extraordinary person. They are there; you just need to know how to intercept them.
  • Never too seriously. You are neither old nor an older adult. Nor are you the sage who dispenses cheap advice from the height of his experience. Stay down to earth, and don’t take yourself too seriously. Never as in this moment do you need lightness? That of swallows, not feathers.
  • Don’t give up on physical activity. Age is delicate, even from this point of view. There is a risk of being overwhelmed by natural laziness and a lower desire to do physical activity, given that the competitive factors are more minor. But we must not give up. Instead, it is preferable to focus on simple things. Walk half an hour a day wherever possible. Walk up and down the stairs, ignoring the existence of the elevators. Doing a sport compatible with your age: swimming and cycling are the most suitable.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Again: no exaggeration, but after 60, sleep becomes even more critical. And you need to be able to sleep naturally, with a few small tricks that also concern the right foods, especially in summer. Without becoming prisoners of the sleeping pills that you will never be able to abandon with the arrival of seniority. Instead, the age of 60 is the suitable threshold for quitting smoking once and for all. Drink lots of water, and avoid salty foods.
  • Don’t neglect the doctor. Some checks must be done regularly and without obsession. And there are circumstances in which the signals arriving from our body should not be ignored. Remember that the body speaks, and we should know it well after age 60 to take the necessary countermeasures to defend our health. Avoid the dr. Google, and don’t start prescribing do-it-yourself drugs.

How Do You Feel After 60?

At one time, the age of 60 represented the threshold of entry into the third age. Now the entry bar has moved upwards, but this remains a critical age from the point of view of transition. How does it feel? Usually, we take stock, and generally, we tend to give little value to the results obtained in life. Or you are more sensitive, for example, concerning the disappointment of ingratitude. Another feeling of this age is to have stepped off the train of youth, so much so that many try to stick with it even with clumsy and pathetic results. In reality, if we look at the glass as half full, today’s 60 years are years of freedom (the fundamental things, for better or worse, have been done) and of still significant energy if we have not wasted the health of our organism.

How To Improve After The Year Of 60?

To take the path that begins after 60, a fundamental question is worth answering: Can we improve? Absolutely yes. On the contrary. Constraints, commitments, and responsibilities after 60 tend to decrease. And that means we have more time to focus on our famous Achilles’ heels weaknesses. With a good dose of humility, without which you cannot improve at any age.

Are You Elderly At 60 Years Old?

At 60, you are not old. And this is not out of a juvenile whim but because science says so. The Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, which we can trust on this topic, has set new standards. For men and women. Seniority, with a life expectancy now rising to 85 years for women and 82 years for men, has moved from 65 to 75 years. The important thing is to have good health conditions, including an adequate lifestyle.

The Crisis After 60 Years

According to a study by the University of Greenwich, 60 represents a critical threshold for a third of people who pass this age. The crisis that arrives is of an existential type. One feels the final phase of one’s life is approaching, and this can lead to forms of loneliness and depression. But also, in this case, the approach with which one faces the passage of age is decisive: we need the optimism of the will with the awareness that although white hair increases, all this does not close the doors of life. But if anything, it opens others.


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