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See Six Reasons Why We Should Eat Organic Food

Did you know that organic food is very important in healthy eating? They group a series of advantages and act in the body promoting, helping health and preventing diseases effectively. On the other hand, we know that there are many doubts about why to consume organic food. With this objective of being able to clarify all the questions on the subject, we wrote this text so that you understand the benefits of organic food.

Firstly, it is important to understand what this food is that is; organic products are those obtained within an organic agricultural production system (or sustainable extractive) that helps the local ecosystem, protects natural resources, respects socioeconomic aspects and cultural aspects of the local community, preserve the rights of the employees involved and do not use genetically altered organisms or synthetic chemicals.

Six Benefits Of Organic Food

Here are six reasons why we should eat organic food:

1. Can Prevent Health Problems

Conventional food production uses many pesticides, which harm our bodies. The substances that remain in food can cause and develop allergic and respiratory reactions, hormonal disorders, and even more serious problems.

2. They Are Nutritious And Tasty

The soils in which they are produced are rich and balanced with natural fertilizers with greater nutritional value, so, as it is a product without fertilizers and pesticides, the flavor is not altered. This is a very important point for those looking for tasty meals that offer the necessary nutrients for those looking for a healthy life.

3. A Certification Seal Ensures Product Quality

This seal is provided by associations that verify and supervise organic food products from the show’s beginning to marketing. Therefore, companies that have this certification are extremely reliable and guarantee the provision of quality products. In this sense, the customer is guaranteed that the product is free of toxic residue.

4. Maintains Water Quality

Since there is no use of chemicals, organic production offers greater benefits to the environment. In other words, pesticides, for example, when used in plantations, penetrate the soil, reach water tables and pollute lakes and rivers. Therefore, these substances should be avoided.

5. Prevents Chemical Contamination In Future Generations

Using fertilizers in food manufacturing affects the soil, air, water, people and animals. On the other hand, the production of organic foods preserves such natural aspects because there are no chemical products, so whoever chooses to consume these foods is helping to avoid the chemical contamination of future generations.

6. Improves Country Life

Organic agriculture helps improve rural communities’ socioeconomic conditions, as organic crops require more labor, developing employment and income for those who live far from cities. Therefore, the production of organic food helps to improve life in the countryside; that is, the choice of this food helps agricultural employees who can work with better living conditions.

Organic Food vs Inorganic Food

The production of organic food respects the environment. It aims at the quality of the final product. As it does not use pesticides, transgenics or chemical fertilizers, it does not cause any harm to the health of those who consume it, besides being much tastier and more nutritious food.

The development of inorganic foods (conventional agriculture) uses oil in synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which harm the soil and affect the fauna, such as insects and birds, which have contact with these products. In addition, the number of pesticides is high, which can cause damage to your health, from infections to more serious problems.

However, the consumption of organic foods indeed has a higher value for purchase, as they are developed with great care, in low quantity and require more labor. On the other hand, the cost can be much higher if we weigh the negative points caused to health by the chemical substances contained in inorganic foods.

Not that the consumption of such products necessarily causes any disease, but frequent use increases the risks significantly. Thus, pesticides, high amounts of sodium, preservatives and saturated fat are harmful to the body and health, so the costs of clinical treatments and medicines end up being higher. Therefore, consuming organic food is a fundamental habit for those who want to include healthier food and menus in their daily lives. But be careful; before going to a supermarket and filling your shopping cart with organic food, the ideal is to consult a nutritionist and always have a proper follow-up.


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