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Which Vitamins And Nutrients Should You Take If You Are Already 40 To Avoid Deficiencies?

The need for nutrients varies over time: after the age of 40, more attention should be paid to any deficiencies, particularly of these vitamins and mineral salts that the body struggles more to assimilate or needs more. Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are essential substances for our well-being at all ages. However, the need for individual nutrients changes over time and, after the age of 40, more attention must be paid to any deficiencies.

correct lifestyle, when we reach 40, it is good to take back your health and devote yourself more to yourself to avoid finding yourself struggling with disorders of various kinds or with faster-than-normal aging. Generally, after the age of 40, more attention must be paid to taking the following substances every day:


As is known, calcium is essential for the well-being of bones and joints, which helps to keep them healthy and strengthened. Over time, wear tends to create problems, particularly for women, who can lose bone density. This is why it is always good to have excellent calcium levels in your body. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is linked to the well-being of the bones and, therefore, to calcium, but in reality also valuable for much more. Among other things, its functions include promoting better absorption of essential nutrients. There is a risk of experiencing a deficiency (it is no coincidence that the elderly are often deficient in this vitamin). We remind you that, in most cases, it is enough to expose yourself regularly to the sun for a certain amount of time (about 20 minutes in summer and an hour or two in winter) with some parts of the body exposed (arms, face, neck) to produce enough. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 improves blood circulation and prevents anemia. Therefore, having enough of it means having a good dose of energy throughout the day. It is often believed that following an omnivorous diet avoids vitamin B12 deficiency. In reality, this is not always the case since several factors, such as poor assimilation, can cause problems even for those who eat meat. After 40, the decrease in hydrochloric acid in the stomach limits its absorption, so it is necessary to evaluate supplementation.

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids, always essential for our well-being, are even more so as we age. They regulate blood cholesterol levels, keep blood pressure at bay (problems that become common with advancing age), and then delay cellular aging by counteracting free radicals. They are also handy for the brain and help keep memory healthy. Finally, they stimulate the metabolism and consequently help maintain a healthy weight.


Magnesium is always essential, but often, for various reasons, we lack it. It is beneficial for blood pressure, prevents cardiovascular disease and helps fight inflammation. It is also fundamental for calcium absorption; therefore, its intake is essential not to be deficient in this mineral that we have already seen to be fundamental for bone health. 


These substances, beneficial for the intestine, help keep the digestive system healthy, avoiding bloating and weight gain. Since there are some essential defenses of our organism in the intestine, keeping this organ healthy through the intake of foods that contain probiotics or specific supplements allows you to have high immune defenses.


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