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Is Massage During Pregnancy Recommended?

Pregnancy brings with it several physical changes as a result of the body’s adaptation to the fetus. An example of edema of the lower extremities is one of the most common manifestations in pregnant women. Hormonal changes (increased levels of progesterone, estrogen, HCG, and prolactin) induce alterations in vascular permeability, favoring the extravasation of plasma with consequent edema.

Other transformations that can occur due to these hormonal changes are the formation of varicose veins, a feeling of heaviness, paranesthesia, and cramps. Thanks to a targeted massage, excess fluids are pushed towards the drainage points to be eliminated, circulation is stimulated, and the risk of varicose veins and broken capillaries is reduced. The massage can be performed starting from the third month of pregnancy and is a natural cure-all for the lower and upper limbs.

Massage In The 1st Trimester. What Do The Doctors Say?

The first trimester, the beginning of pregnancy, is the time when the deposition of internal organs occurs. This period is critical, but it is at this time that the utmost caution must be exercised regarding massages. Doctors do not usually recommend intensive exposure in the first third of pregnancy. As a tip, the only possible massage is a gentle kneading of the upper back or a facial massage

Is It Possible To Have Massages Throughout Pregnancy?

Massage is a fundamental ally during pregnancy, but the question is decided on a case-by-case basis. It is essential to consider all the individual characteristics in determining when you will be able to undergo the massage—in most cases, arriving two weeks before the deadline is easy. Medical studies show an obvious benefit of massage for expectant mothers. This is because it helps to relax and relieve stress in the back and joints; it also improves mood and gives positive emotions.

What Kind Of Massage Can Expectant Mothers Do?

Not all types of impact on the body are allowed for pregnant women; for example, anti-cellulite and modeling massages are not recommended. The head, back, shoulders, arms, and legs can be massaged without contraindications. The back and shoulder massage help relieve tension and heaviness in the muscles, relaxes, and improves well-being, sleep, and mood.

Head massage is an incredible pleasure for every woman, including a future mother. It helps cope with stress, increases emotional stability, often lacking during pregnancy, and reduces headaches and tension. The gentle drainage massage improves lymphatic circulation and reduces swelling, often accompanying pregnancy and becoming a severe problem for expectant mothers. Facial massage helps reduce swelling, improves complexion, and smoothes wrinkles. 

What Are The Effects Of The Massage?

The massage has many “usefulness” for the expectant mother and her baby.

Correctly performed massage has a whole series of beneficial effects for the mother’s body:

  • Improves blood and lymphatic circulation;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves tension from the back muscles;
  • reduces swelling;
  • reduces physical and psychological stress;
  • improves skin condition;
  • contributes to the normalization of sleep.

What is the benefit of massage for the baby? It creates a positive action that improves blood circulation and saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the good mood that the mother feels from the massage is also transmitted to her baby.

Are There Any Contraindications?

Like any procedure, massage in pregnancy has its contraindications, which exclude the possibility of undergoing a massage; these include:

  • Increased tone of the uterus;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • SARS;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Increased blood pressure.

How Massages Are Performed In Pregnant Women

For massage to play a positive role during pregnancy, it must be performed by a competent specialist. The safety of her mother and her baby is always first, so the masseur must choose the correct position for the expectant mother and use gentle techniques designed to relieve stress and improve metabolic processes.

What Rules Must Be Followed?

For the massage to benefit the expectant mother, it is essential to follow several rules:

  • Relax – the massage must be pleasant and painless; only then will it bring a positive effect.
  • Know that the massage shouldn’t cause discomfort, let alone pain.
  • Relax after the massage: Allow yourself to lie down after the procedure; this will allow you to recover and relax your muscles as much as possible.


We hope to be able to offer some valuable ideas to identify the massages to do during pregnancy! 


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