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Physical Exercise: Eat Before Or After Training?

Leaving a sedentary lifestyle is a big step towards a healthier life. At this time, the question always arises about the best choices for food. Eating before or after training, in addition to being a standard question, is complex since everything will revolve around the goal you have. 

Eating Before Or After Training, That’s The Question

Do you want to work out but are terrified of eating only chicken with sweet potatoes? Despite the great combination of nutrition, that’s not all you should eat.

It all depends on your goal with the exercise and how much you are willing to be disciplined. In general, it can be said that it is necessary to eat both before physical activity and after since food is essential to reap good results and have a healthy body.

Supplementation also helps a lot in this regard. They are substances that enhance results, increase disposition, act directly in burning fat, and gain muscle mass. It has exclusive pre-and post-workout supplements.

In this case, you must first check if there is a nutritional deficit and which supplements are ideal for your case – if it is essential because supplementation is an excellent alternative, however it is not mandatory.

Returning to the question of eating before or after training, good news for those who do intermittent fasting: you can train without eating. There are some rules, and they will be explained later.

Is The Diet The Same For Pre-Workout And Post-Workout?

The body, before training, needs food that provides energy. After a workout, nutrients need to be adequate for muscle recovery and replace the energy spent in physical activity. You can’t eat the same thing every day, and you’ll see some ideas in the next topic.

The fact is that only the right foods can provide the vitamins, minerals, and energy resources so that your workout is successful and doesn’t put a strain on your digestive system or cause any harm to your health.

Physical activity added to the proper diet is the combination for good results, more disposition, and health. When they don’t walk together, the body loses muscle mass and low energy stores.

Best Pre-Workout Picks

If training is in the morning, the ideal is to wake up at least half an hour before physical activity. Exercise on a full stomach is not recommended as it impairs performance and causes nausea. 

The ideal food is bananas, a source of carbohydrates and easy to digest. Consume one or two units up to 30 minutes before starting. Other options for an energetic pre-workout: 

  • whole-grain pasta;
  • fruits ;
  • bread;
  • sugar-free energy bars;
  • oat.

What To Eat Post-Workout

Post-workout nutrition is equally important, as it will ensure the body’s recovery after physical activity. 

An interesting point, unlike pre-workout food, is that there are not so many restrictions on proteins and carbohydrates, as long as they are healthy and in line with your goal.

This meal does not need to be eaten as soon as the exercise is over, nor is supplementation mandatory. The diet needs to be focused on real food, and supplements should be seen as facilitators and not meal replacements.

The best post-workout options, whether at lunch or dinner, are proteins accompanied by a portion of carbohydrates; here are some combinations:

  • chicken breast with baked potato;
  • fish filet with manioc puree;
  • omelet with steamed vegetables;

Now, if training is far from these main meals, check out the best choices:

  • natural yogurt with sugar-free jam;
  • scrambled eggs with rice crackers;
  • buffalo mozzarella with tomatoes;
  • tuna with sweet potato;
  • hummus (chickpea spread) or tofu with whole meal bread.

Can You Train Fast?

Although it is not ideal for those who want to gain muscle mass, training without eating can be done. To lose weight is perfect, since physical exercise, done on an empty stomach, uses body fat as a source of energy so that you can eliminate a few pounds that way. 

Intermittent fasting is gaining more and more adherents; however, it should not be performed independently. Only a nutritionist is the one who will indicate the best range for you, as well as the right food plan for your needs, without failing to supply any nutrients. And a physical education professional needs to monitor training.

Fasted training needs to be of medium to low intensity to prevent the body from losing muscle mass as a source of energy. Aerobic exercises, such as walking, running, or functional training, which increase heart rate, are the most suitable options.


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