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Tips For Consuming Almonds

Better To Soak, Toasted, Or Peeled?

Almonds are used very often in cooking, especially for desserts. Many, however, wonder what is the best way to consume almonds, whether soaked, toasted, peeled, with or without the peel. 

How Many Almonds A Day? Toasted, Peeled Or Soaked?

Almonds are healthy and nutritious food. To enjoy all the properties of almonds and enhance their taste, it is preferable to consume them roasted and unpeeled.

Many Types Of Almonds: Which One To Choose?

The large and small distribution offers a wide range of products to choose from: natural, peeled, unpeeled, toasted, salty, and even sweet. Not all of these products maintain the excellent nutritional properties of them unaltered; therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the chosen product.

Is It Peeled Or Unpeeled? That Is The Question!

The most valuable part of almonds is contained in the peel, so it is preferable to consume natural almond, i.e., peel and not peeled almonds. Some compounds are lost in peeled almonds or white almonds, including flavonoids, tannins, and phenolic acids. Thanks to their antioxidant action, they play an essential role in reducing the risk factors against chronic inflammatory diseases and aging disorders. The fiber of which the peel is rich has a meaningful prebiotic and, therefore, beneficial action towards our intestine’s “good” microflora, whether it comes from toasted almonds or not.

The Toasted Almond: More Nutritious And Taste

Roasting is a process that improves the nutritional, as well as a sensory, profile of the almond. The high temperature is responsible for the formation of compounds that give the aroma and a solid taste for the toasted almonds, as well as favoring the release of polyphenols with antioxidant action, linked to the peel. Almond lipids are not significantly altered if the roasting process is not excessively pushed (150-180 ° C) thanks to the fact that the fibrous structure well protects these. 

Some vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin), on the other hand, are significantly reduced. The toasted almond has more excellent digestibility than the non-toasted one, thanks to the formation of microfractures and the increased permeability to gastric juices. But be careful: long roasting at high temperatures (above 180 ° C) can lead to the formation of toxic compounds for the body, such as acrylamide. This is a risk that is primarily incurred at home.

Almonds In Water: Pros And Cons

There are few specific studies describing the effects of soaking on the nutritional properties of almonds. Some cereals and legumes need this treatment and cooking to eliminate antinutrient substances, such as phytates, which reduce the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and some vitamins. Soaking also seems to have a beneficial effect on almonds, reducing the levels of antinutrients (phytates, oxalates, and tannins) and increasing the bioavailability of polyphenols. 

Again, a loss of B vitamins in the soaking water is reported to a lesser extent than in the roasting process. However, it should be borne in mind that water-soluble vitamins are poorly represented compared to fat-soluble vitamin E. Putting almonds in water, together with boiling, is the most used method to remove the peel. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful not to lose this precious component during soaking.

How Many Almonds A Day?

Almonds are excellent sources of antioxidants and micronutrients, but they are a food with a high-calorie density. The quantity consumed per day is to be evaluated within the daily requirement, especially if there is a need to reduce caloric intake. However, as part of a regular calorie diet, the Nutrient and Energy Reference Intake Level (LARN) for nuts is typically 30g, equating to approximately 15-20 almonds.

At Breakfast, As A Snack, Or Before Or After Meals?

They are nutritionally rich and filling, as well as being energizing. Thanks to the presence of fats and fibers, they allow our body to develop and feel satiety faster. For this reason, it is often recommended to consume it as a snack between main meals and for athletes before physical activity to replenish energy.


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