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How To Do A DIY Facial Peel

Peeling is an aesthetic treatment that serves to remove surface cells and stimulate cell renewal, improving the appearance of facial skin. It is also possible to do it at home, as long as you choose the proper substances and respect some simple precautions. Let’s find out how to make a DIY facial peeling in a simple but effective way.

DIY Face Peeling: Can It Be Done?

Peeling is an aesthetic treatment that allows you to stimulate the skin in depth, promoting cell turnover and improving its tone and appearance. It, which can be performed by a dermatologist, at a beauty salon, or at home, is essential for the beauty of the skin and represents an indispensable step in the beauty routine. Thanks to the numerous cosmetic formulations on the market, it is possible to perform a DIY facial peeling in a few simple steps or prepare a completely natural one using ingredients of food origin.

Regularly applying a treatment of this type helps prevent and improve skin blemishes due to age or excessive sun exposure, reduces wrinkles, and promotes the growth of new epithelial cells. There are different types of DIY peeling to be chosen, both based on your skin type (those, for example, with sensitive skin will have to choose more delicate products) and in relation to the results. The most invasive formulations (but also the most effective ones) are defined as ” chemical peels “; however, since they are very delicate treatments, professionals in the sector should perform them, or there is a real risk of causing damage to the skin.

The Difference Between Home Peeling And Scrub

At first glance, a home facial peeling, especially if made with natural ingredients, and a scrub may seem very similar. In fact, both share the same objective of exfoliating the skin; however, while peeling does it through a chemical process, the second exploits the mechanical action of some ingredients. Peeling is characterized by the presence of active ingredients, such as fruit acids or enzymes, which act on the skin in order to remove the most superficial layers of the epidermis, favoring the removal of dead cells found on the surface.

The scrub, on the other hand, is a mechanical procedure that has the aim of smoothing the skin, and unlike peeling, it can also be performed during the summer, given that it is more delicate and less invasive. Peeling, in fact, deprives the epidermis of the first protective layer and is therefore much more intense: for this reason, it is not recommended to be carried out during the summer months (especially if you suffer from sunspots or have susceptible skin) and it is recommended to always apply a high-screen sunscreen after doing it.

Furthermore, before carrying out any homemade peeling, it is recommended first to test a small quantity on the skin of the face in order to avoid adverse reactions; however, it is equally important to remember that often, when applying exfoliating products to the skin, short-term burning and stinging sensations are very common.

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How To Do A Facial Peeling At Home

There are many ways to perform a DIY facial peeling, and these should be chosen in relation to the type of objective and your sensitivity. In fact, alongside simple mechanical exfoliating treatments such as scrubs, you can find peelings with more intense and profound action, such as those based on alpha hydroxy acids. These substances are contained in milk ( lactic acid ), grapes ( tartaric acid ), white willow ( salicylic acid ), cane sugar ( glycolic acid ), and almonds ( mandelic acid ); however, the options are numerous.

Lactic and glycolic acid are considered the most powerful, so it is no coincidence that in cosmetic formulations to be used at home, it is recommended to choose products with a concentration of no more than 10% and to pay particular attention to their application. Some of them have a photosensitizing effect. Therefore, they should only be used in the winter months and combined with sunscreen, while others, such as polyhydroxy acids (PHAs), are considered safer. Hydroxy acids (of which glycolic acid is part) can dissolve the bonds that unite dead cells to live ones, promoting their detachment.

However, it is essential to thoroughly hydrate the skin with creams with a soothing and nourishing effect, remembering to protect the skin from the sun’s rays and to interrupt the treatment if intense and persistent burning and tingling appear; Furthermore, it is advisable not to mix acids with other exfoliating products, such as those based on retinol.

How To Do A DIY Glycolic Acid Peel

Among the most used substances to carry out a peel at home, there is undoubtedly glycolic acid, which, in addition to being present in numerous cosmetic formulations, can also be obtained starting from foods that contain it. So, how do you prepare glycolic acid yourself? It is commonly found in yogurt, vinegar, honey, citrus fruits (mainly lime, lemon, and grapefruit), brown sugar, and sour cream. Here are three recipes for a homemade glycolic acid peel :

Peeling Yogurt And Brown Sugar

Ideal especially for those with dry skin, this preparation is quite delicate and has the advantage of not irritating the skin. Brown sugar promotes natural exfoliation thanks to the glycolic acid it contains, while yogurt mainly serves to restore hydration. It is made by mixing half a glass of brown sugar and a jar of unsweetened plain yogurt until you obtain a slightly grainy paste. Then, you use your fingers to apply the mask to your face (taking care to avoid the eye area) and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before removing everything with a towel and cool water.

Peeling For Oily Skin

To make this DIY facial peel for acne, mix a spoonful of coarse table salt with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar (or orange juice obtained from fresh fruit); then add a few drops of aloe gel and mix everything well. Then apply to a clean face and leave on for five minutes, then rinse everything well.

Peeling For Sensitive Skin

This homemade facial peeling, thanks to the presence of an emollient substance such as linseed oil and yogurt, is also suitable for those with sensitive skin. It is prepared by mixing a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda with one of yogurt and one of linseed oil; leave it on for five minutes and then clean your face with warm water.

Four Recipes For A Natural DIY Facial Peeling

Performing a chemical peel at home is a contraindicated choice as it is preferable to handle such irritating and potentially harmful substances for the skin with adequate preparation on the subject. On the contrary, if you are looking for a completely natural and not very aggressive formulation, you can opt for original natural products with a smoothing action.

These four ideas for a homemade facial peeling :

Bran Peeling

Mix a spoonful of oat bran with your usual cleansing milk and massage your face, then rinse everything well with warm water.

Peeling With Extra Virgin Olive Oil And Oats

Perfect for dry skin, this mix is based on extra virgin olive oil and oats and combines the exfoliating and nourishing action of the two ingredients.

Apple Cider Vinegar Exfoliating Peel

Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of blended apple pulp; apply the mixture to cleansed skin and leave to act for 10-15 minutes. Finally, rinse well.

Egg And Lemon Facial Peeling

This exfoliating mask can remove dead cells in a very delicate way, exerting a firming and illuminating action. To prepare it, lightly beat the egg white and then add a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should then be applied to the face and left to act for about 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

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