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Stomach Pain: Natural Remedies Work

Stomach burning and pain, difficulty digesting, and feeling of heaviness and swelling starting in the morning or after meals are some of the most common symptoms affecting the stomach and intestines. These disorders can occur in a mild and occasional form or be severe, disabling, and recurring.

In both cases, it is better to contact your doctor or a specialist for a correct clinical picture and avoid doing it yourself. Small tricks in our daily habits effectively relieve pain and heartburn that occur occasionally and for short periods, for example, when we are subjected to greater stress or when there is a change of season. More or less annoying symptoms can be felt more easily in times like these.

Foods To Avoid

Those with stomach problems should:

  1. Reduce your intake of fizzy drinks, caffeine-based and citrus fruits, fried and fatty foods, and tomatoes: they all increase acid production.
  2. Prefer light and lightly seasoned meals, avoiding overly elaborate dishes that slow down gastric emptying.
  3. Avoid peppermint candies. This plant is, in fact, responsible for reducing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and could favor the onset of gastroesophageal reflux.
  4. Avoid chewing gum: continuous chewing stimulates the production of acids, and the sucrose contained in these products, fermenting, increases the production of gas in the stomach.
  5. Avoid smoking and alcohol: they increase acidity and reduce the continence of the lower esophageal sphincter.

The Rules Of Proper Nutrition

Those suffering from stomach ailments should prefer small meals during the day, trying to stay light, especially at dinner. In fact, in the evening, digestion is slower and more difficult, and this can, in turn, cause pain, burning, and a feeling of heaviness. The ideal would be to take a walk after eating and not go to bed for two or three hours after the end of the meal.

Natural Remedies For Stomach Pain

Some natural remedies can be very useful in the case of mild and occasional forms of stomach pain.

  1. Herbal teas are based on chamomile,  lemon balm,  valerian, and other plants with calming and refreshing properties.
  2. Lie down, placing the hot water bottle on your stomach to relax tense muscles.
  3. Natural herbal products (phytotherapy), in the form of drops or herbal teas, can help those who have difficulty digesting or suffer from heaviness.

Other Remedies

Furthermore, drink a glass of warm water in the morning as soon as you wake up and one in the evening before going to bed, perhaps adding a few drops of lemon and honey to make the taste more pleasant. This is an excellent remedy to rebalance our body and regulate the intestine. There are many natural remedies useful for counteracting stomach aches:

  1. Peppermint: Reduces cramps, constipation, and diarrhea. It works well as an infusion, but be careful if you suffer from heartburn, as the symptoms can worsen.
  2. Ginger: Very useful for stomach pains and nausea as it reduces acid production. Just peel a piece of ginger, grate the amount equivalent to a teaspoon, and then add it to hot water. 
  3. Cayennepeppar: It is a very useful spice for reducing bloating and constipation. It can be used for preventative purposes. Half a teaspoon of food or water is enough.
  4. Fennel: It is useful for counteracting bloating and intestinal gas—just a teaspoon of fennel seeds in warm water or chew after meals.
  5. Nutmeg: It is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory capable of reducing pain, cramps, and diarrhea. You can use a teaspoon associated with some food, such as brown rice. It’s great when there are intestinal problems.


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