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This Simple Routine Will Make Your Smile Shine

Well-cared-for teeth don’t just look good. Careful dental care also guarantees permanently healthy teeth. We show how easy it is to achieve excellent dental care – what you need for it and how you can easily integrate this routine into everyday life. This Simple Routine Will Make Your Smile Shine.

Brushing your teeth twice a day and thus following the basic minimum recommendation for dental health. But even if this is a very good start, brushing your teeth is not enough to effectively prevent dental problems such as tooth decay or periodontitis and possible secondary diseases. Because a toothbrush alone only cleans 60% of the teeth.

Effective oral hygiene is not that difficult to implement. With a step-by-step guide that is easy to integrate into everyday life, you will keep your teeth in perfect shape, and your smile will always show its most beautiful side.

Step 1: First Clean The Spaces Between The Teeth

No classic toothbrush extends into the interdental spaces, which is why they are quickly neglected. But this is where a large part of the bacteria settles, leading to tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. Therefore, dental care should always start between the teeth. Interdental brushes (interdental = between the teeth) are particularly suitable for thorough cleaning. These consist of an ergonomic handle from which the actual brush protrudes. Different sizes and strengths take into account the individual distance between the teeth. The dentist can help you choose the right interdental brush when in doubt.

The application itself is very simple. Without toothpaste, the interdental brush is gently pushed at the tip of the gums into the space between the teeth and moved back and forth. After each interdental cleaning, the brush should be rinsed briefly so that the cleaning remains effective and you do not transfer the bacteria from one space to the next. In principle, interdental brushes can be used multiple times. Be sure to change them when the bristles are worn out.

For particularly tight spaces between the teeth, floss is a good alternative. However, the application is a little more complicated compared to interdental brushes. Particular care is required at the transition to the gums, as the fine dental floss tape can otherwise unnecessarily injure the sensitive gums.


Step 2: Brush Your Teeth With A Toothbrush And Toothpaste

Those who brush their teeth twice a day are doing a lot right. Because a large part of the dental plaque is effectively removed with the toothbrush, it is important to brush every area reached with the toothbrush thoroughly. Which brushing technique is the right one for you depends on the condition of your teeth and gums. In general, do not press too hard. Excessive pressure with the brush injures the gums and removes the tooth substance from the neck of the tooth. In addition, the brushing movement should be done with light pressure from the gums to the tooth. If you doubt the correct brushing technique, your dentist will certainly have some personal tips ready. To not forget any point, it is also advisable to always start and end cleaning at the same point.

When choosing the right toothbrush, the following applies: What is comfortable for you is allowed – whether electric models or classic manual toothbrushes are a matter of taste because both are effective with the right brushing technique. The same goes for the bristles. Many people have the feeling that hard bristles clean their teeth more thoroughly, but toothbrushes with a medium degree of hardness serve their purpose perfectly. Soft toothbrushes are gentler on the gums. The same applies here: if in doubt, ask your dentist. You should pay attention to rounded bristle ends that are gentle on the gums. The toothbrush must be replaced every three months at the latest!

When it comes to toothpaste, the selection is quite confusing. Important from a dental point of view: The toothpaste should contain fluoride (e.g., sodium fluoride or amine fluoride). Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and thus prevents tooth decay. Toothpaste for school children, adolescents, and adults contains 1,000 to 1,500 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride. Toothpaste for children up to six years of age should contain around 500 ppm fluoride—another central aspect: the loop quality of the product. The RDA value stated on the packaging provides information about the intensity of the toothpaste. An RDA value of 35 to 50 is a good compromise between low abrasiveness and cleaning effect.

Step 3: Don’t Forget The Tongue

About 60-80 percent of the bacteria in the oral cavity are on the tongue. Even so, the tongue is often neglected in oral hygiene. Cleaning is extremely easy and quick.

A special tongue cleaner easily removes the bacteria from the tongue’s surface. In addition to the hygienic aspect, you also prevent one of the main causes of bad breath. The bacteria on the tongue are often largely responsible for this.

The tongue cleaner is arched downwards and guided from the back to the front with the tongue out. Usually, it is enough to carry out this process once, and the tongue is largely freed of plaque and bacteria. Then rinse off the tongue cleaner and place it by the toothbrush. So he is in the field of vision the next time you brush your teeth, and the tongue gets its well-deserved cleaning again.

Step 4: Finish With Mouthwash

After cleaning the tongue and completing oral hygiene, a fluoride-based mouthwash can be used. This contributes to the hardening of the tooth enamel and delays the formation of new plaque. The rinse works best when intensely moved back and forth in the mouth and pressed through the spaces between the teeth. The rule of thumb for the flushing time is one minute. A mouth rinse supplements, but never replaces, brushing your teeth with toothbrushes and interdental brushes.

Due to their ingredients, some mouthwashes also particularly care for the gums and thus also prevent gum inflammation. Alcohol-free rinses are particularly suitable for children.

In 4 steps to a well-groomed smile: With TePe, very easy and environmentally friendly

TePe is not only a leading manufacturer of modern and effective oral hygiene products but has also set itself the task of developing high-quality solutions that are good for people and the environment.

The company is already using 100 percent green energy at its plant, is gradually converting all of its products and packaging to renewable and recycled materials, and is pursuing a circular approach throughout production to minimize further and reintegrate residues.

The new TePe interdental brushes set the next milestone and guarantee the highest quality and safety.

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