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What To Eat Before Training For Energy

We know that bodily changes, as well as physical performance, are more remarkable and more significant when dietary nutrients are managed. A healthy and adequate diet for physical work should be considered by everyone who practices physical activity as a premise/starting point to reach their maximum athletic performance. Therefore, diet manipulation should be considered a complementary strategy within the programming of the individual.

The definition of nutritional balance can be specified as a zero result in the calculation between nutrient intake (food, drink, supplements, medication) and consumption by the body (metabolism and training routine).

If the individual who practices physical activity consumes energy and nutrients in insufficient quantity and quality, effects such as a reduction in lean mass, the appearance of a more significant number of lesions, hormonal dysfunctions, osteopenia/osteoporosis, and a higher frequency of infectious diseases, all symptoms related to overtraining.

According to the material published, the energy needs of a practitioner of physical activity can range between 37 and 41 kcal/kg of weight/day and, depending on the case, may present more varied variations. ample, between 30 and 50 kcal/kg/day. These amounts are indicated for those looking to maintain or increase athletic performance.

Before exercise, there is a greater need for carbohydrates and proteins; for this reason, we must seek a greater concentration of these nutrients, with carbohydrates still being the most important, as they are the first to be used as a source of energy by the body.

The Carbohydrates

This nutrient is a primary source of energy for carrying out physical work. Food sources of carbohydrates must be chosen respecting the characteristics of each individual; in addition, the digestion time between the meal and the exercise must be considered. The amount of food, protein, and fiber in the meal can increase the time needed for digestion; in some cases, it takes up to 3 hours. Food sources of carbohydrates to consume between 120 and 60 minutes before training are: sweet potatoes, parsley potatoes, yacon potatoes, cassava, oats, wheat germ, whole grain pasta/bread/rice, Waxy Maize, seeds in general (chia, linseed, sesame) and vegetables.

Foods to consume when the interval between meal and training is less than 60 min: Fruits, maltodextrin, and dextrose.

Carbohydrate consumption during training will depend on the intensity and duration of training. The more intense the exercises, the greater the need. When there is a need for intra-training energy consumption, dextrose and maltodextrin can be consumed; at this moment, it is essential to work with an adequate dilution; the concentration of 6 to 8% (carbohydrates – Water) makes their absorption easier and faster.

The Proteins

These nutrients have been studied more intensively in recent years. This concern is justified by the fact that these nutrients are a fundamental part of the repair of muscular microlesions resulting from physical activity; for this reason, we can understand that the needs increase due to the intensity, frequency, and type of exercise practiced.

A comparison carried out in research shows that strength exercises demand greater protein intake than endurance exercises. For those who aim to increase the amount of muscle mass, consumption of 1.6 to 2g of protein per kg of weight per day is suggested; this total value must be divided according to the meals, with the post-workout meal deserving an amount more significant than the others.

Food sources of protein that should be part of the meal before training will depend on the interval between meals and exercise. When there is a 120 to 60 m interval, the following can be consumed: egg white, lean beef, chicken, fish, skimmed milk and derivatives, rice protein, pea protein, albumin, and meat protein.

When the interval between meal and training is less than 60m, the suggestion is to consume Whey Protein due to its rapid digestion.

In general, we can say that the pre-workout meal should contain most of its composition food sources of carbohydrates (60 to 70%), proteins should make up 20 to 30%, and fats a maximum of 10%, of course always observing the personal characteristics of the individual.


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